Friday, February 13, 2015


This document is a poster from an anti-gun campain carried out by Bill Brady from 1974 and Dan Gross took over on 2012.  In the poster we can see the number of people murdered by guns in one year in 7 countries. We can see that the first six countries go from 17 deaths in Finland to 200 in Canada and the last one is the shocking with 9,484 in the US.We can also see a gun which is painted with the colors of the American flag. By doing this, the campain wants people to fight against the second amendment which is the right to bear arms since it kills almost 10,000 people every year. But , compared to the poster from the same campain in 2004 we can see the same things but some elements change such as the gun which is diferent , the countries and the numbers, even though the US was at that time the first in the list aswell, the number of deaths was higher, which means that the campain works because the death toll went from 11,344 in 2004 to to the latest one. 

This graph is divided into two parts, the first one is the one on the left where we can see the gun murder by rate in the top 10 countries and we can see that the numbers are really high like in the case of Honduras which is the first, in Honduras almost 70 out of 100,000 people are killed by guns. On the bottom of this list we can see the USA positioned as the 26th country where guns kill the most. It is quite anormal to see a country like the USA in the top 30 of this because it's a developped country and should not have these problems.
The second part of this graph is the right one , where countries are ranked by HDI ( Human Development Index). We see that the USA is 4th on the list but it is the one with most gun murders a year with 3.2 out of 100,000 when a country like Japan ,which is under the USA in the HDI rank , has 0 out of 100,000 people killed a year. 

In this cartoon we can see two people, one who represents the gun lobby and the other one represents the congress and behind them we can see the Capitol with blood going all the way down the stairs. Since the Capitol represents the Congress because it's their seat, we can imagine that the man on the left representing the gun lobby killed all the people in the congress who weren't happy with the gun laws , by doing this the cartoonist wants to criticise the Gun Lobby , we can even see the man on the left bribing the one on the right.

In this cartoon , we can see a statue on the left with a writing next to it that says " Second amendment as defined by the founding fathers" , the statue represents a man from the time of the founding fathers with a rifle in his hands, but on the right side we can see a man which is "fully loaded" ( has a lots of guns) and is standing on a bunch of ammo boxes, next to him we can see the writing " Second amendment as defined by the NRA". 
Here, the cartoonist is critisizing the fact that the NRA made a business out of the right to bear arms, and people no longer have a single gun to protect themselves but they have many , and some of them just collect them for fun , but guns are not suppose to be something fun and something you collect just like baseball cards.

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