Thursday, September 25, 2014

A brief History of communication

This video as the title says,is a brief history of communication, it starts by showing us how people use to communicate through face to face communication and finishes by showing us how people communicate today via computers and smartphones.
Communication is an essential thing in the development of mankind, since the dawn of time humans have been searching for ways to communicate faster and more precisely. Let's travel back in time, as we said before mankind could only communicate by face to face contact, and now we can communicate with people thousands of miles away with just pressing a button. But from one to another what happened? Men learned that by drawing on walls they could transmit messages and keep them there for a very long time( e.g. we can still find today in some caves drawing from cavemen). Then men trained pigeons( and many other birds as hawks) to travel hundreds of miles to take a message which made messages more intimate and the author could choose who would see the message. After this , humans created smoke signals which where a lot faster than pigeons but less discrete. Man then changed the history of communication with the Morse language. With the Morse code men could secretly transmit messages (and this was like all forms of communications are at first, a military project) secretly and at a very high speed and best part is that these messages are coded so the enemies (in military cases) could not know what the messages meant even if they intervened them. From the Morse code which you could only send letters came the telephone booth in which the first time ever , you could have a instant voice conversation with someone miles away. From that was invented the radio in which a person could make thousands of people hear him, which was replaced in the television where someone could make people watch things and hear them. After came an invention which could seem a throwback but is actually a machine which let people send pictures and documents almost instantly , this machine is called the fax. And finally the two most used machines nowadays where invented, the computer and cellphones which now evolved into smartphones because they give us all the qualities of a cellphone combined with the ones of a computer.

Communication is so important and nowadays we can communicate with whoever we want and even when we want and almost for free, just by having an internet connection at home we can Skype with anyone we want around the world as long as they also have an internet connection and a smart device which let's them access Skype. We can also share pictures and any type of document we want with anyone we choose. That is the biggest advantage of technology nowadays , thanks to it's development we can now cover the two issues of communication, which are for it to be fast and discrete as before communication was either fast or discrete and that caused lots of problems.

To sum it all up, I think that the video was very well done because it was very simple but in the same time shows very well the history of communication and the fact that the video is short is just shows us how fast communication has evolved and how fast technological progress is.  


  1. OK Elyas.
    Now please get fully prepared and be ready for an oral presentation of this Post on Wednesday 10/01/2014.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
